Saturday, October 18, 2014

I'd Like To Introduce Myself

Hi!  My name is Cat and I have three cats.  I didn't mean to accumulate three cats.  It just sort of happened.  Let me tell you my story.

Sasha always loved to cuddle in the blanket.
I always grew up with animals.  I'm Hungarian and my father came from there and he likes to do things the way they did them back home.  So we had animals.  Rabbits, ducks, chickens, cats and a dog.  It was always my sisters and I job to feed and care for the animals so when I got older, I naturally wanted to have pets. At 18 I got a pit bull and named her Sasha.  I loved that dog.  She was the best dog in the whole world.  I took her every where.  I got older and Sasha and I moved out.  I naturally had to get a job but when I went to work, I would drop her off at my Mom's house for doggy day care since I would be gone for extended periods of time.

My Cica loved to be in the window
One day, I was outside and a black and white kitty came up to me.  I said "Hi Cica".  Cica (pronounced tsitsa)  is Hungarian for kitty.  I thought she might be hungry as I live in a city and there are so many strays around.  I grabbed a can of tuna and she gobbled it up.  I opened the door and she decided to come inside.  I laughed but let her come inside and poke around.  Sasha grew up with cats at my mos house so I wasn't worried about her.  Cica ended up making herself comfortable for THREE DAYS!  LOL!  When I had to got to work, I would try to get her to leave but she wasn't having it.  Finally on the third day she decided that she wanted to go outside but she came back and stayed.  After that, it was me, Sasha and Cica for about 12 years.

Feri loves to sit under lamps that give off some added heat
Sasha passed away first and it was Cica and I after that for about 3 years.  Just the two of us.  Cica got sick very suddenly and passed away.  It was a shock because since she was a stray and I didn't really know how old she was.  I sat around in shock, dismay and sadness for two days.  I thought that I would give my self about a week before getting another animal.  I knew I wouldn't be able to sit around for long.  But on that second day, I realized that I just had to go and adopt another cat but I wanted two.  I picked two out on the city's shelter website and drove down to the shelter.  (I don't pay for animals.  I would much rather rescue them.)

I didn't end up getting the two that I picked out.
Gyula, my pretty blue eyed boy
 Instead I decided to pick this beautiful gray tabby with blue eyes who had been there the longest.  There was another tabby that kept pawing me through the cage so I decided to see if he would get along with his new roommate.  So I got these two guys; Gyula and Ferrence (Feri).  Both are Hungarian names.  Gyula is Julius in Hungarian and Ferrence is Francis.  But I call him Feri which is like calling him Frankie.  Both names totally suit their personalities.  Gyula, Feri and I began our lives together until about a year later when we got a surprise.

Zoli, my little trouble maker and bully
I was working at my computer one day when I looked out he window and noticed a tiny black and white kitten climbing up my dogwood tree.  I went outside to try to get him down so I could look him over and feed him but he was so scared he scampered up the tree further.  I am deathly afraid of heights so I had to wait until my neighbor came home to get him down for me.  The poor little guy stayed up in the tree for so long but we finally got him down.  The first thing my neighbor said was that I have to keep him because he looked just like Cica and it was an omen.  I had no intention of getting another cat and only wanted to save the little guy and get him to the shelter.  I ended up lamenting when my mother said the same thing to me about it being an omen.  So Zoli (short for Zoltan) ended up joining Gyula, Feri and I.  The vet said he was only about 10 weeks old so we had a baby on our hands!  Zoli just had his birthday in September and turned 2, Feri turned 4 in August and Gyula turned 5 in August.  They are wonderful additions to my world and that's how I ended up with three cats!

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